I Look For the Answers, I Look For the Storyteller

widya 🇵🇸
3 min readMar 12, 2023

Do you seek to discover your true self from the lives and experiences of others?”

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

The Seekers of Answers

As humans, we are constantly seeking answers to the mysteries of our own lives. From the most profound questions about our meaning of existence, to the more mundane one, like simply trying to make sense our dreams, choices, and experiences on our everyday lives. Still, oftentimes, the answers we seek aren’t easily found in textbooks, novels, or movies. And we then turn to the storytellers.

The Storytellers and Myself

I felt a sense of triumph in my heart and my mind opened up like a vault. An exhilarating journey to meet new kinds of storytellers. Those who I wished I had met sooner in my life, while others were beyond my own mind.

  • Those who have high confidence in being open about their authentic selves to others
  • Those who shine both in and out of the classroom
  • The only girl on the soccer team and the only boy in the ballet group
  • The man who finds true meaning in her moderate life
  • The newlyweds who’ve decided to be happily childfree
  • The woman who gets or fights for a job that doesn’t align with her college degree, or who continues her double master’s degree program right after graduating
  • The group of people who are aware with their own emotional well-being and decide to be a safe place to their ownself and others
  • Those who are intellectually humble and confident in sticking to their beliefs, or who finally get their dreams after experiencing a series of failure

… and the list goes on and on ….

Are you your own storyteller?

Suffice to say, there are numbers of people whose choice or live breaks the stigma that lives in the society you live in, the one that doesn’t even ever slip on your mind, or the one who answers your doubt, fear, confusion, or curiousity. You feel surprised and amazed. The one who makes you felt a sense of triumph in your heart and your mind opens up like a vault. You begin to realize that what you’re dreaming of isn’t rare or impossible in some kinda way.

You begin to find the answer, but on the others’ story, not yours. A tiny part of you feel a bit disappointed. Oh, I should’ve been my own storyteller, not him or her..

Would you be your own storyteller?

To show your own story, play your own role, experience your own life, and create your own most authentic you.

You might wanna watch other episodes and read other chapters for a while, as long as you have your own remote control and bookmark to pause and go back to yourself for a while. You make the time for yourself to start playing your own scenes and writing your own stories.

You create the life you wish for, even if the answers and endings will be left unknown..

You living yours, you dynamically continue creating yourself

You are your own storyteller

