The Most Loving

widya 🇵🇸
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

Have you heard people say “ana uhibbuka fillah”?

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

One day I opened Youtube and then there was this video by Ust. Oemar Mita called “Cinta”. Just like the title, it explains love. Not so specific, on the video, Ust. Oemar Mita tells us that because of Allah (‘Azza wa Jalla), we can feel and get love. By one of His Names, Al-Wadud, the Most Loving, He gave his servants love.

After watching the video, I realized what the phrase “anna uhibbuka fillah” actually means. “I love you because of Allah”. Once again, because of Allah (‘Azza wa Jalla). Have you ever felt like you received love from a friend, your parents, a pet, someone’s action or writing, or the sujood you make in your prayers? That love, the love that we can feel at something or receive from something … is given by Allah (‘Azza wa Jalla). He is Allah, the Most Loving, gives His creatures His love. So, let’s say when I can feel the love that my parents give me, it is actually because Allah has given His love to my parents — so that they can love me, and to myself — so that I can feel the love of my parents and love them.

It makes me reflect and take a look back at things that make me feel loved, things that can make me receive or give love to something or someone. Be grateful, for all the love that you feel, receive, or give.

One thing that we all should be aware of, is always remember that in this Dunya, there are nafs and shaytan. Pray to Allah and beg Him the love that makes us get closer to Him and ask for His protection. Therefore, we can get, feel, or give love that is pure, good, and have barakah inside.

— Wallahu a’lam bishawab

#HisNamesAreAroundUs is my reflection of Allah’s names and I hope Allah makes this one of the ways for us to understand, feel, and believe His Names. Aamiin.

